I want to share program that calculate flat wake in C++. You can use this code but if you copy this code and paste in your blog/website, please insert this link of article.
void main ( )
const float phi=3.14;
float r,a,t,kell,luas;
int kode;
char pilih;
awal :
switch (kode)
case 1 :
cout<<"Anda memilih nomor 1 yaitu menghitung keliling lingkaran"; cout<<"\nMasukkan jari-jari = "; cin>>r;
cout<<"\nKeliling Lingkaran = "<
cout<<\nMasukkan tinggi = "; cin>>t;
cout<<"\nLuas Segitiga = "<
if ((pilih=='Y'||(pilih=='y'))
goto awal;
clrscr ( );
goto awal;
getch ( );
Razor Class Library pada Blazor Hybrid
1 minggu yang lalu
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