One year ago, my office got certification of ISO 20000:2011. Then every year, my office conduct surveillance ISO 20000:2011. The auditor will ask you several question about all of process of ITSM. I am not telling you about ITSM but I want to share about SLM that they ask. First, your must show your service plan in the beginning. The service plan is consist of reference document of SLA, OLA, etc. It's also tell about your next improvement service. If you have service plan, you can tell the auditor all about your service and improvement in the next step. But if you haven't, you must tell them that you didnt make yet. Maybe make some major finding or mirror finding but no problem, you can make your ITSM more mature than before.
Then, the auditor will ask you about BRM (Bussiness Relationship Management). Have got your document of BRM? If have document of BRM, show them. They will ask you about your document. After that, the auditor ask you about feedback dan SOP (standart operation proscedure) of feedback. Then, show them. They will ask you about escalation of feedback.
In the end, the auditor will ask you about user satisfaction survey. Have you did user satisfaction survey? What is the result? Good or bad? The reason of good or bad. Then, what the next improvement of user satisfaction survey? That's all I can share to you. You must prepare the document and the other reference.
Good luck.
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